solar dyeing // r u b u s * f r u t i c o s u s

the day my parents visited & brought me the hollyhocks (see previous post), they also brought me blackberries (growing wild, of course) (rubus fruticosus). They had frozen these as well, in order to keep them at their best.

I had mordanted (with alum) enough fibers for two different dyes. But I thought " what the heck, let's make an experiment inside the experiment, and you'll rince half soon, and the other half later". And that's exactly what I did.

I rinced a first half the same day I rinced the alcea rosea solar dyeing, which is to say, after four days in the jar only. So this is the result of the first batch.

rubus fruticosus solar dyeing

rubus fruticosus solar dyeing

rubus fruticosus solar dyeing

rubus fruticosus solar dyeing

and so, I rinced the other half two days ago, which makes ... er, after 11 days in the jar. Not that much neither, I agree. This is the result after 11 days :

rubus fruticosus solar dyeing, a week later

rubus fruticosus solar dyeing, a week later

and for the comparison now ... (first batch at the bottom, second batch on top)

for comparison

different tones & hues

what I note ? that the silk got a bit darker & pinker after an extra week in the jar, but on the contrary, the linen got lighter. The linen was more purple after 4 days only.

interesting, right ? worth the little experiment, for sure.


  1. experiments within experiments sounds fun, and what interesting results you got.

    {just wondering - what is the alum that you use to mordant all your fabric? i'm wanting to dye some hemp / organic cotton. thanks}.

    beautiful photos and results, as usual.


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