eucalyptus globulus & iron

I had already used eucalyptus globulus (blue gum) leaves in the past & was impatiently waiting to use them again. This year I used fabrics & materials mordanted with alum, as opposed to the soy milk I had used the previous time. I think I will try to mordant with soy milk again & dye with them again, since I also loved the result I had obtained back then. Maybe that's the soy milk that had made the difference. (who knows ?)

I used leaves from a tree of my parents' neighbours, who happily gave them to me. I modified  the dye with a bit of iron after the dyebath. (much less for silk & wool, though)
eucalyptus globulus dyed (and modified with iron)

eucalyptus globulus dyed (and modified with iron)

eucalyptus globulus dyed (and modified with iron)

eucalyptus globulus dyed (and modified with iron)

eucalyptus globulus dyed (and modified with iron)

this last photo shows a silk scarf (with hand rolled hem),
available for purchase in the shop.

The tie-dyed pieces of cotton you can see on the photos will be pouches for wrapping naturally dyed items purchased from the shop. You can see the first ones I had made here, and some others here too.

If you want to see more details, click the photos, they will take you to Flickr.
