On the last day of 2014, I finally managed to dye a batch of scarves. Hubby & I had picked Arbutus unedo (aka Strawberry tree in English, Arbousier en français) leaves, and that's what I used for my dyeing. It wasn't the first time I'd used it, so I knew what I was doing & which color I was aiming. There they are :
The dyeing session happened at my inlaws' on a beautiful sunny 31st of December. I came home with a bunch of 8 scarves, and fabric for making pouches & more. Below : from the dyeing pot to the dyeing bucket to the drying session.
It had been a while since I had dyed such a large batch of scarves ! And actually this batch is made of : two linen voile scarves, two cotton gauze shawls (as wide as MAXI scarves but slightly shorter than regular ones), and four extra long cotton gauze scarves (as wide as regular scarves, but one third longer)
I love the silvery hue I managed to get, and without any iron stain (another miracle !). Really unisex & intemporal. Timeless beauty.
You can find them all in the SHOP. Thank you for your visit ! Have a lovely (rest of your) day !
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